KUBOTA 日本久保田离心机产品一览
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KUBOTA久保田的藤冈工厂于1996年通过ISO9001 认证。
更多信息 5200型

Three types of tabletop centrifuges
KUBOTA is producing three types of general-purpose tabletop centrifuges to meet the various requirements of the customers. To see the difference among them click below for more information.
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Sealing adapter for ST-480 rotor
The sealing adapter, specially designed for the ST-480 rotor, provides customers with a perfect solution to handle bio-hazardous experiments such as tests of acid-fast bacteria. Three kinds of adapters are available: the customer can spin 15 and 50mL conical (TC) and 50mL Oak ridge type tubes with a sealing adapter at over 4,000xg.
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Two-level switching deceleration
The 5200 model provides Two-level switching for deceleration, corresponding to application requirements. For example, in those cases where one must avoid whirring up the samples, a slow deceleration can be programmed so as to achieve the desired conditions and most accurate results.

Alarm indicator and automatic stop functions
Various alarm indicators and automatic stop functions improve safety further and stop the operation immediately after activation in the case of an emergency. The 5200 model is equipped with an alarm indication function including imbalance detection and speed sensor fault detection. In addition, the unit is fitted with a circuit breaker.

Balancing of the sample
The 5200 model enables one to reduce the experiment time, allowing centrifugal separation to be carried out with eye measured sample balancing. With its tolerable imbalance sensor, it is not necessary to balance the sample with remarkable accuracy. In addition, the operation is smooth and it maintains a quiet environment.

Digital display and control knob
The control knob and digital display provide users with an easy-to-operate interface. Especially, the controlknob is much easier to set than up-down-keys.

久保田商事株式会社 版权所有 2005年